Thursday 1 August 2013

Use Your Brain For Losing Your Weight Fast.

Brain For Losing Your Weight
Are you a success at many things in life, but when it comes to losing weight you just cannot make any progress? Many people who are successful in career, marriage, relationships, finances, and other areas, but cannot get the scale to drop. Would you like to learn how to use that brain of yours to help make losing fat easier?
Here are two simple weight loss tips for great thinkers:

1. Learn to calculate your hunger number. This is really more of a rating system then a calculation, but it works like a charm and within a few days you could see a natural reduction in the amount of food you eat with no hunger or deprivation.
What you want to do is create a simple Hunger Scale. This is a scale with "0" on one end and "10" on the other. The "0" indicates that you are not hungry at all, in fact you are feeling stuffed. The "10" indicates that you are super hungry and need something now!
What you want to do is set a timer to buzz in two-hour intervals during the day. When you hear the buzz simply ask yourself, "How hungry does my stomach feel?" Then assign your hunger a number. You will need to do this for a minimum of 5 days before you start to see the correlation. At around 4 or 5 days you will start to see that you often "feel" like eating, but you are not really hungry.
This knowledge will help you make better decisions about how much to eat or when to eat. For example, if you walk into a restaurant for lunch and discover that your hunger number is only a 2, then you may choose to just have a beverage, or have something light, like a salad. You will leave the restaurant feeling pleasantly full, instead of stuffed.
Think of how many calories this will prevent you from eating! Simple and effective.

2. Use a Stopper. We are often driven to eat too much because of the situation we are in. For example, have you ever gone to the movie theater and ordered a large popcorn, just because it seems like the right thing to do? We all associate popcorn with movies, but if you notice that your hunger number is low, then you may not want to indulge in all of the calories.
This is when a Stopper can come in handy. You can eat some popcorn and then put a Stopper in your mouth. This is anything that changes the taste you have in your mouth, try a strong breath mint or a piece of gum. This gives you an opportunity to move away from eating and gives your stomach time to tell your brain you feel satisfied. This works great for avoiding dessert as well!
Losing the weight is possible and you can make it much easier with more great weight loss tips.

How to Loss Weight in Natural Way

Loss Weight in Natural Way
In your online research, you might have come across various websites that provide you with tips to help losing weight. If you have merely glanced at the content of those websites, you will still be able to discover that all of those websites provide the solution by weight loss products. The fact of the matter is that there are no shortcuts, which can help losing weight along with providing long-lasting results. Even if you manage to shed a few pounds by means of some strict diet plans, using weight loss products or following a rigorous exercise regimen, you will regain that padding back in your belly in a short time after you resume your normal routine. The difficult part is not losing weight, but to maintain that lower weight on a long term basis. I speak from my personal experiences and what I have witnessed from other people over the course of my life.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Importance of Water in Weight Loss and Health & Fitness

 Importance of Water in Weight Loss and Health & Fitness
For most people losing weight can be difficult. There are many things we cаn do to speed up the process of losing weight. One thing we can do is to consume more water. Water helps you lose weight for several reasons.

Water is No Calorie

Many beverages we normally drink such as juice, soda, alcohol, sweetened teas, and coffees are loaded in sugar. When we drink these beverages we are consuming a lot of empty calories that our bodies simple don’t need. Just by having 2-3 sodas per day you’re adding hundreds of calories to your daily diet which increases the chances that you’ll gain weight. Water on the other hand, has no calories at all. Just be replacing your regular beverages with plain water you’ll cut out a ton of calories which will help you lose weight. Water should therefore be your main beverage during the day. If you don’t like plain water try adding a bit of lemon to it for some flavor.

Sunday 28 July 2013

How To Maintain a Health and Loss Your Weight Fast.

Loss Your Weight Fast
You will most likely have to change the way you eat, the way you feel about food, and the way you exercise for life.
After you complete your diet program, you should follow tips here:
  • Your eating habits and exercise regimen have to become a life style. Make a change you can live with.
  • Eat every three hours. This will prevent you from getting overly hungry and over eat at your next meal.
  • Eat within 30 minutes of waking up. This helps to speed up your metabolism and give you a good start for the day as well as helps your body to start burning calories.
  • Eat three meals and two snacks each day. This is known as spacing and this will help to keep you satiated and prevent unnecessary snacking.
  • There are certain foods that boost your metabolism. These foods include grapefruit, sardines, harrisa, jalapenos, ginger, cinnamon, peppers, salsa, tomatoes and pecans.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Effective Weight Loss Tips For Everyone.

weight loss tips
Achieving weight loss is not that easy. It needs a good strategy, planning and motivation to lose weight. Some of the weight loss tips, which can be followed at ease, are listed here to stay healthy as well as to stay fit with a perfect body figure.
Eating the right way helps achieving weight loss goals. Taking meals in smaller amounts, frequently helps in being energetic all the day and prevents from eating more.
Eating out is often associated with obesity as when dining outside, most of the people don’t check what they eat. Hence, to achieve weight loss, it is better to avoid dining outside.